Sunday, November 16, 2008

Long John Silver

Startling confession: I am an obsessive compulsive "Long John" wearer. From November through March, my body is eternally hugged by an awesome set of thermal pants and shirts. I just love the snug feeling, the loving embrace if you will of those things.

I'm a firm believer in layers to beat the frigid cold of our winters here in Cleveland. My long johns really keep me warm and enable me to leave the house without putting on a 10 pound winter coat. And the best thing is: long johns are appropriate for all occassions because they are hidden safely beneath any clothing you care to wear. Even when I go into the office dressed in bland business casual wardrobe, I've got those toasty suckers on (I admit, the temperate 70 degree atmosphere of my office makes me sweat).

Now, If I could find an affordable full body pajama, like tots wear - but for adults, I would ABSOLUTELY buy one to sleep in. It would be the perfect addition to my winter wardrobe. Or even one of those one-piece undergarments the folks in the Wild West used to wear, you know, with the little flap on the butt that you can open to do your number 2 duty. I realize I would look preposterous wearing one, but I'll be damned if I didn't end up a preposterous looking guy who was really warm!

1 comment:

fetalpositionfollower said...

I've been looking for a full-body pajama for our old friend, Winter, for about 2 years now. Can't seem to find them in 330-360 months size.

Oh, and my pajamas were golden and had "Pooh" sewn on. You're jealous.