Thursday, December 4, 2008

David Caruso could kick Daniel Day Lewis's ass

He may not look like your stereotypical Hollywood actor, but David Caruso is to acting what Michelangelo and Picasso were to painting.

I have been spent the last twenty minutes searching for excessively poetic ways to describe Caruso’s incredible acting powers, but my thesaurus has a limited selection of synonyms for “Kick ass” “sa-weet” and “like really, really good,” so I’ll just leave say it as simply and plainly as I can: David Caruso can freaking act.

You don’t believe me? You don’t trust my keen analysis of the thespian arts? Well, fine. You can just judge for yourselves. Below is a montage of Caruso’s greatest acting moments on the unbelievably awesome and well-written television crime show “CSI: Miami.”

I’m sure at some point this guy is going to win an Emmy for his drama skills. I mean its not like Daniel Day Lewis (star of “There Will Be Blood”) could recite a hip one-liner and then throw on a pair of sunglasses anywhere close to as well as David Caruso. And yet, all you ever here about is “Daniel Day Lewis, oh great actor. So good in that boring movie about oil.” Pa-lease.

Besides, Caruso could kick Daniel Day Lewis’ ass any day. And as Caruso stood over his bloody body, he’d say “I guess you were right ‘There was blood,’ (Insert "YEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" sound clip)” and then throw on his sunglasses and walk off into the Miami sunset.

So, there. And if you still don’t believe that Caruso is the best actor ever, then just take Caruso’s advice:

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